B Noodles' Links

I can't pretend that this is a visual extravaganza of a page. Well I suppose I can, but you and I know that isn't true. There are many other pages out there which you could be spending your time looking at instead of this one. The first two of them being pages I helped make, but don't let that put you off them!

The Scrap Shack - Not sure of where we are right now, but rest assured we'll be on the radio sooner or later.

Arcadeus Online - Mac freeware as well as news, free stuff, cheats, viruses etc.

Volvo Car Corporation - For those of you who don't reside in Australia, you probably won't understand why I put this in, but we have these things here called Volvo jokes...

Pass The Shareware Please - I don't know why I put this one in, if you're into Shareware you'll already have heard of it...

Nomad37's Home Page - My pal Nomad's cool Home Page.

Woodchuck's Home Page - My other pal Woodchuck's Home Page!

e-mail: [email protected]